Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D553 Transect PB24 Muddy slope with occasional epifauna. Priority. Features: NPWS selected. Water depth: -2200 m. TL: 1.8 km SOL: 15° 8.425' W 52° 0.477' N

Highlights: Mud with sea cucumbers Octocoral

Flat muddy sediment throughout the dive with heavy marine snow, creating poor visibility towards the end. Elpidiids, Anthomastus sp., brittlestars and sea pens are common.

Occasional eels, grenadiers, a slick head and a ray are encountered. Burrows, possibly formed by large crabs are also seen regularly. Plastic pollution is evident.

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022