Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D485 Transect 27 Two areas with sparsely colonised carbonate cliffs, the rest is mud with thin sea pens/urchins. Large bundled fishing net encountered. Features of Interest: canyon Water Depth: 2004-1897 m

Highlights: Brisingid starfish on carbonate cliff Bundle of fishing net Pyrosoma sea urchin Pyrosoma sea urchin & anemones

At 1976 m a steep feature with soft sediment and/or carbonate gravel at its base rises 50- 60 m high; the face of this feature appears to be that of carbonate rock. Brisingids abound on a prominent ledge and overhang. At the apex of the feature and beyond the substrate is that of very fine material; fauna is sparse consisting of cf. Echinus sp., sea pens and cerianthids. Occasional patches of carbonate rock are visible under a thin veneer of sediment. The carbonate substrate becomes more exposed with the increasing steepness of the terrain; it transitions on to carbonate gravel. Another solid rock feature, 50 m in height and with an overhang at its apex is present. Fauna is again sparse with occasional asteroids, echinoids and ophiuroids. The sediment and fauna is similar to that seen at the bottom of the feature. The remainder of the ground is featureless sediment with the echinoids cf. Phormosoma sp. A large fishing net was observed.

START VIDEO [00:00:00]/07:16 [1] The transect starts at the base of a sloping/vertical carbonate cliff with mud veneer and sparse mixed corals (especially Paramuricea sp.). Disturbed sediment blocks partial view until [00:01:00] and the small dark (black/red) jellyfish seen here can be seen throughout the dive. [00:03:00] stop ascent at overhang colonised by brisingids and move left along it. [00:04:00] start ascending again. [00:09:00] ascent stopped by disturbed sediment. ROV starts descending again reaching base of cliff at [00:13:00] [2] ROV turns left to proceed over mud bottom (good view from [00:15:00]). Dominant fauna alternates between sea pens (especially thin unknown, OTU1083) and patches of white echinoids (OTU559). [00:35:00] [3] sloping carbonate with mud veneer and broken flakes of carbonate is again encountered, here with Ophiomusa lymani and cerianthid anemones. [00:38:00] [4] the slope becomes a cliff with sometimes bare carbonate. The rock is only sparsely colonised, occasional patches of blue encrusting sponge and multiple yellow sea stars (OTU1189) are the dominant fauna until the top where a thin strip of Bathycrinidae sp. are encountered (not enough to form new biotope). [00:42:00] [5] Back on muddy sediment, sea pens again dominate along with cerianthid anemones. [00:52:00] [6] Sea pens continue but alternate dominance with urchins, now Phormosoma placenta. [00:53:00] moving diagonally right. [00:54:46] moving forwards up to a large fishing net bundle (imagery [00:54:00]-[00:59:00]). [01:00:00] moving diagonally left. [01:01:00]-[01:02:00] stopped to image Phormosoma placenta walking. [01:07:49]-[01:14:00] stopped to sample P. placenta. [01:32:00] stopped to sample an unknown sea pen and take a pushcore before END VIDEO [01:44:00]/09:01.

Progression Start Duration Code Name
1[00:00:00]00:13:52M.AtLB.Ro.MixCorMixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment
2[00:13:53]00:22:01M.AtMB.Mu.SpnMegSea pens and burrowing megafauna on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
3[00:35:55]00:02:21M.AtLB.Mx.SurOph.OphCerOphiomusa lymani and cerianthid anemone assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mixed sediment
4[00:38:17]00:04:20M.AtMB.Ro.SpaEncSparse encrusting community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata
5[00:42:38]00:09:31M.AtMB.Mu.SpnMegSea pens and burrowing megafauna on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
6[00:52:10]00:52:35M.AtMB.Mu.SpnMegSea pens and burrowing megafauna on Atlantic mid bathyal mud

Porifera encrusting sp. 1 (white) : 1 : R
Blue Porifera encrusting : 800 : R
Cerianthidae sp. 1 : 2 : O
Actiniaria sp. 1 : 4 : O
Actiniaria sp. 20 : 605 : R
cf. Halcampoididae sp. : 984 : R
Actinernus michaelsarsi : 554 : O
Actinoscyphiidae sp. 1 (pink) : 1047 : R
Phelliactis sp. 1 : 255 : O
Bathypathes sp. (brown) : 284 : R
Stauropathes arctica : 547 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 2 : 6 : R
Flabellum sp. : 1056 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Paramuricea sp. : 1050 : O
Pennatulacea sp. 3 (submerged axis) : 1191 : R
Anthoptilum sp. : 1107 : R
Pennatula aculeata : 1046 : R

Pennatula cf. inflata : 1083 : O
Distichoptilum gracile : 1108 : O
Umbellula sp. : 581 : R
Branchiocerianthus norvegicus : 1069 : R
Scyphozoa (indet.) : 1134 : F
Caridea (indet.) : 1077 : R
Munnopsidae sp. : 1102 : R
Colossendeis sp. 1 : 1059 : R
Bathycrinidae sp. 1 : 1041 : O
Asteronyx loveni : 471 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : O
Pseudarchaster sp. 1 : 433 : R
cf. Henricia sp. (deep) : 1154 : R
Asteroidea sp. (yellow deep) : 1189 : R
Echinidae sp. (pink) : 194 : R
Echinidae sp. (white) : 559 : O
Hygrosoma sp. : 1125 : O
Phormosoma placenta : 555 : O

cf. Amperima sp. : 628 : R
Benthogone sp. : 432 : R
Mesothuria intestinalis : 536 : R
Benthothuria sp. : 1124 : O
Holothuroidea sp. (muddy) : 1190 : R
Synaphobranchus kaupii : 440 : O
Coryphaenoides guentheri : 577 : O
Lepidion cf. guentheri : 1160 : O
Polyacanthonotus rissoanus : 552 : O
Cataetyx laticeps : 1111 : O
Epigonus telescopus : 1018 : R
Zoarcidae sp. 1 : 259 : R
Zoarcidae sp. 2 : 291 : O
Actinopterygii sp. 3 : 930 : R

Number of species = 52

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022