D455 Transect 9 Holothurians and holasteroid urchins. Features of Interest: canyon, escarpment Water Depth: 2830-1672 m
As the ROV reached the end of its umbilical at 2557 m without reaching the sea floor it travelled 500 m mid-water to reach the side of the canyon. The sea floor on this slope is that of sandy sediment; the fauna consists of holothurians, including some Mesothuria intestinalis and echinoids including a small white cf. Echinus sp. and Spatangus sp.
COMPOSITE VIDEO 17:26 [1] the whole transect occurs on mud with flocculent detritus apparent on its surface. Adult Peniagone sp . holothurians dominate the first half of the transect, with Acanella arbuscula also sparsely distributed. Many of the other epifaunal species present similar to the lower bathyal A. arbuscula biotope, but there is only a low density of A. arbuscula. 01:58 - 02:42 ROV stops/goes slow. 09:07 - 09:16 ROV stops. 09:22 - 13:49 ROV moving jerkily and diagonally to the left, before resuming normal forward motion.
START VIDEO [00:00:00]/17:42. Continued Peniagone sp. and sparse A. arbuscula. [00:11:00] increasing numbers of tracks (Lebensspuren). [00:15:35] Holasteroida sp. urchins become co-dominant with Peniagone sp. [00:20:00] [2] Holasteroida sp. and their tracks dominate, sparse A. arbuscula continues. [00:22:00] stop for imagery for 30s. [00:23:00] ROV turns left. 00:23: - [00:24:00] stop. [00:28:00] back up and lateral right. [00:29:00] - [00:31:00] stop for imagery (vision temporarily obscured). [00:35:00] - [00:44:00]. Slow then stop for imagery and sampling of Holasteroida sp. . (vision temporarily obscured). [00:48:00] Gracilechinus cf. alexandri co-dominant with Holasteroida sp. END VIDEO [00:58:19]/18:40.
Progression | Start | Duration | Code | Name |
1 | [00:00:00] | 00:20:36 | M.AtMA.Mu.HolCom | Holothurian dominated community on Atlantic mid abyssal mud |
2 | [00:20:37] | 00:37:42 | M.AtMA.Mu | Burrowing echinoid dominated Atlantic mid abyssal mud |
Cerianthidae sp. 1 : 2 : R
Bathypathes sp. 1 : 328 : R
Dendrobathypathes ( prev. Stauropathes sp. 1) : 1015 : O
Caryophyllidae/Fabellidae (indet.) : 1058 : O
Caryophyllia sp. 5 (bullseye) : 584 : R
Flabellum sp. : 1056 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Acanella arbuscula : 585 : F
Pennatula aculeata : 1046 : R
Distichoptilum gracile : 1108 : O
Umbellula sp. : 581 : R
Mysida (indet) : 1026 : R
Colossendeis sp. 1 : 1059 : R
Eucarida sp. : 1106 : R
Colus sp. : 113 : R
Crinoidea sp. 1 : 131 : R
Asteronyx loveni : 471 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : F
Ophiuroidea (indet.) : 1076 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : R
Ampheraster alaminos : 1143 : R
Pseudarchaster sp. 1 : 433 : R
Hymenaster cf. pellucidus : 1110 : R
Asteroidea sp. (pink deep sediment) : 1171 : R
Echinus sp. (deep, white/pink) : 1052 : O
© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022