Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D545 Transect RB30 Sponge aggregations/reefs on coarse sediment/coral rubble. Barnacle gravel/gravel/pebbles/cobbles with frequent Lophelia reefs and Aphrocallistes sp. Priority. Features: Carbonate Mound. Water Depth: -1125 m. TL: 1.3 km SOL: -15°31.899 W 55°31.178 N

Highlights: Hexactinellid sponge - Aphrocallistes Large yellow sponge & stylasterid coral Hexactinellid sponge - Euplectella Stylaster sp 1 Stylasterid coral Pheronema carpenteri Molva macrophthalma Gorgonocephalus sp. 1

Mixed substrate with some biogenic sponge components, pebbles, cobbles and boulders.

Many sponges are evident, especially Aphrocallistes beatrix and Geodia sp. along with mixed lamellate and encrusting forms. Transition to sponge reef with Aphrocallistes beatrix as main framework. Fauna include the gorgonians, Leiopathes sp. and Koehlermetra sp. Transition to Lophelia/Madrepora reef (~25% living) with few or no A. beatrix present and occasional gorgonians (Leiopathes sp. and Koehlermetra sp.).

START VIDEO [00:00:00]/07:20 [1] Barnacle gravel/gravel/ coral gravel /pebbles/cobbles with frequent encounters of Aphrocallistes sp. and hydrozoans on uphill. [00:01:00]-[00:03:00] ROV samples 1 pushcore. [00:06:00][00:08:00] ROV stops for imagery. Encrusted and glass sponges on boulders. [00:26:00]-[00:29:00] ROV stops for imagery of Demospongiae (possibly OTU657) and Stylaster sp.1 on boulder. [00:34:00] [2] Now not cobbles/pebbles, predominantly covered in coral rubble/coral gravel/gravel/sparse boulders with many associated epifauna. Main dominant species include Stylaster sp.1 and Aphrocallistes sp. [00:41:00] [3] Now cobbles and pebbles fields again, as well as coral rubble/coral gravel/boulders. In this part of the transect, dead sponge/sponge framework is a new substrata to record and host many associated species. Aphrocallistes sp. and Demospongiae (yellow encrusted sponge) form dense aggregations. [00:44:00] Bedrock exposed. [00:59:00] [4] Here Lophelia pertusa/Madrepora oculata reef, with dominant Aphrocallistes sp., Koehlermetra porrecta, Leiopathes sp. and Acanella arbuscula (firtree) on gentle uphill. Mosaic sediment at times, which is formed by gravel/sand and coral reef framework. Dominant K. porrecta is recorded at times. [01:10:00]-[01:11:00] ROV stops for imagery of Lophelia pertusa framework with Acanella arbuscula. [01:40:00] ROV stops for imagery and sampling of L. pertusa reef until [01:52:00], END VIDEO 09:13.

Progression Start Duration Code Name
1[00:00:00]01:02:19M.AtMB.Bi.CorReeAtlantic mid bathyal cold water coral reef (biogenic structure)
2[01:02:20]00:48:57M.AtMB.Bi.CorRee.LopFraMixed coral assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal Lophelia pertusa reef framework (biogenic structure)

Euplectella suberea : 1198 : R
Asconema sp. : 1038 : R
Aphrocallistes beatrix : 264 : F
cf. Phakellia ventilabrum : 202 : R
cf. Polymastia penicillus : 1137 : R
Stryphnus fortis : 657 : R
Geodia cf. atlantica (Porifera massive lobose sp. 6) : 83 : R
Porifera cup : 9999 : R
Porifera cup : 9999 : R
Porifera cup 2 : 535 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 1 (white) : 1 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 15 (yellow) : 58 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 18 (cream) : 105 : R
Porifera globose (muddy) : 1128 : R
Porifera lamellate sp. 13 : 1053 : R
Porifera lamellate sp. X : 1029 : R
Porifera massive globose sp. 9 : 380 : R
Porifera massive lobose sp. 21 (Hertwigia sp. ?) : 611 : R
Blue Porifera encrusting : 800 : R
Cerianthidae sp. 1 : 2 : R
Actiniaria sp. 20 : 605 : R
Stichopathes cf. gravieri : 283 : R
Phanopathes sp. 1 : 330 : R

Chrysopathes sp. Trissopathes sp. : 540 : R
Leiopathes sp. : 305 : R
Bathypathes sp. (brown) : 284 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 2 : 6 : O
Lophelia pertusa : 250 : F
Madrepora oculata : 251 : F
Zoanthidea sp. : 1149 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Acanella arbuscula (firtree) : 991 : R
Eknomisis sp. : 649 : R
Lepidisis sp. : 557 : R
Paragorgia (twiggy) (poss. Swiftia) : 1065 : R
Callogorgia verticillata : 280 : R
Stylaster sp. 1 : 361 : R
Chirostylidae sp. 1 (indet.) : 285 : R
Chaceon affinis : 254 : R
Munida tenuimana : 339 : R
Caridea (indet.) : 1077 : R
Muusoctopus johnsonianus : 1194 : R
Graneledone verrucosa : 973 : R
Koehlermetra porrecta : 315 : R

Gorgonocephalus sp. 1 : 214 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Stichastrella rosea : 198 : R
Henricia sanguinolenta : 208 : R
Ceramaster/Peltaster/Plinthaster sp. 1 : 234 : R
Porania sp. : 263 : R
Cidaris cidaris : 211 : R
Ascidiacea sp. 2 : 20 : R
Galeus melastomus : 1005 : R
Synaphobranchus kaupii : 440 : R
Molva dypterygia : 245 : R
Coryphaenoides rupestris : 566 : R
Macrouridae sp. (cf. Coelorhynchus) : 1172 : R
Lepidion cf. guentheri : 1160 : R
Lepidion eques : 249 : R
Zoarcidae sp. 1 : 259 : R
Cottunculus microps : 128 : R
Neocyttus helgae : 563 : R
Actinopterygii sp. 3 : 930 : R

Number of species = 64

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022